Father's Day-2008
I found the attached article (link provided) fascinating, not so much for its content, but for how the reporter found me, and how she conducted the interview for this article.
The reporter “googled” blogs on Father’s Day, with the words “father who has died”, and up popped an entry that I had written on my blog on my father for Father’s Day in June, 2005. From there, she commented on that blog entry, and asked if I wanted to be interviewed for an article that she was writing on this subject.
I was amazed. I had no idea that blogs could be “googled”–but, sure enough, there is a search button on google for exactly that purpose. Fascinating!
It also was interesting on how she conducted the interview. It was all done via email. This was a first for me. Had I not picked up the phone to get some idea of who I was talking to, and the general tenor of the article that she was writing, we would have never had a verbal conversation–equally fascinating!
It is, obviously, a “brave new world” out there.
Happy Father’s Day!