Professional and Business History
Mr. Dillon is the president and chief executive officer of the firm, which provides project management and business development services for clients in the service industry. Mr. Diilon also serves as a consultant to Crain’s Chicago Business (http://www.chicagobusiness.com) and was the primary researcher for the widely acclaimed “Crain’s Veterans in the Workplace Focus Section Focus section that was published in the Nov. 2011 edition of the publication.
Paul is the creator of the concept for a veteran startup incubator in Chicago. See the link to the op-ed in the article below:
Dillon Consulting Services LLC is certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as a Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
RSM McGLADREY, INC.- (formerly American Express Tax and Business Services and its predecessor, Checkers, Simon & Rosner LLP), Business Advisors, Chicago. 1991-2006
As the Managing Director of Corporate Services, Mr. Dillon managed client relationships for the Chicago Regional Office of the firm and its predecessors. Mr. Dillon’s clients ranged from small, family-held businesses, such as Sportscorp Recreational Products, to major clients of the firm, such as Lucent Technologies, Inc., Unicom (now Excelon) Thermal Technologies, Inc., and Ameritech (now AT&T) International. Mr. Dillon also managed the firm’s client relationship for engagements with the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools, including the construction audit for Chicago Public Schools $1 billion school building and renovation program.
Mr. Dillon was the creator of the firm’s SuperCollector Services, the first program of its kind in the United States for the professional collection and resolution of high-level corporate and government debt. Mr. Dillon also served as the supervisor of elections to the national Radio Hall of Fame at Chicago’s Museum of Broadcast Communications, and for the Chicago Chapter, National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for the Emmy Awards.
LAVENTHOL & HORWATH – 1987- 1990
As Director of Government Services, Mr. Dillon managed the firm’s economic development, financial planning, real estate and strategic planning services for the Chicago office’s government clients. He managed client relationships for significant consulting engagements for Amoco (now British Petroleum), Inland Steel, American Airlines, Office of the City of Chicago Treasurer, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, Illinois Department of Transportation and other major clients of the firm.
Mr. Dillon formerly served as Director of Government Services for this accounting and consulting firm. In this position, Mr. Dillon managed the firm’s systems planning, office automation, and strategic planning services for the Chicago office’s government clients. His assignments included the audit of the construction management of the James R. Thompson Center in Chicago for the Illinois Auditor General.
His previous position was as Vice-President and Director of the Economic Research Division of Mid-America Appraisal and Research Corporation, a major real estate consulting firm in Chicago. His primary responsibilities with that firm included the supervision of all corporate operations that concerned real estate market analysis, transportation, business and land use economics, and all phases of urban renewal projects related to financial feasibility, market absorption, land disposition, and redevelopment programming.
In addition to having profit/loss responsibility for the Economic Research Division, Mr. Dillon had direct management responsibility for the successful completion of important consulting projects, with an aggregate construction value of more than $3 billion, to include:
Economic impact analysis on downtown real estate of Rock Island commuter service station location alternative.
Financial analysis and redevelopment program for Chicago’s Navy Pier facility.
Financial and real estate analyses of Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport.
Tax and employment impact analysis of Chicago’s North Loop Redevelopment Area, which is the largest urban renewal project ever undertaken in the United States.
Property tax abatement analysis for the Milwaukee-Ashland Redevelopment Area in Chicago.
Real estate analysis services for major properties and right-of-way acquired by the United States Railway Association (Conrail)
Air rights valuation, market and financial feasibility analysis for a new downtown headquarters for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (FCB center).
Market analysis for a major sound stage/film production studio in Chicago.
Market analysis and alternative site location for a downtown Chicago heliport facility.
Economic base and industrial development analysis for Lake Calumet harbor (Chicago Regional Port District).
Numerous market and financial feasibility analysis for all types of real property for public and private clients throughout the United States.
Prior to his affiliation with Mid-America, he was a Senior Consultant with Lester B. Knight & Associates, Inc., where he was project manager for airfield feasibility, site selection, and master planning studies. While with the Knight organization, Mr. Dillon also participated in the following studies:
Planning study for the Fort Dearborn Postal Station, Chicago
Reuse study of the Albany (Georgia) Naval Air Station.
Strategic planning study for Nucor Corporation, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Numerous marketing, management consulting, and bank site location studies for clients throughout the United States.
Mr. Dillon has also served both a staff member of and a consultant to, the Illinois Department of Transportation. He held an administrative position with responsibility for managing staff members, in addition to programming, budget preparation and the design of public participation/community relations programs for major Illinois transportation projects.