Publications, Commentaries, and Expert Testimony
Dillon-Relationships-WhyProfessionalServicesAreBoughtRatherThanSold–A Presentation to the Sales Association Midwest Fall Conference–November, 2013.
“The Importance of Relationship in Your Sales Process” with Kevin Price, Founder and Host, the Price of Business on Business Talk 1110 AM KTEK (on Bloomberg’s home in Houston), April, 2014 http://www.priceofbusiness.com/?p=4172
Interview on “Why Business Executives and Professionals Should Join Non-Profit Boards’ with Raam Anand, Founder and Host, the Stardom Radio Show, April, 2014 http://stardompublishing.com/shows/paul-dillon/
Interview on “Effective Networking” with Stanley Bronstein, Founder and Host, SuperchangeYourLife.com, February, 2014 Stanley Bronstein Interviews Paul Dillon » Super Change Your Life
Occasional guest commentaries on business and political issues for WBBM-AM Newsradio 78, a division of Infinity Broadcasting (1986-95).
“Offshore Outsourcing: The Dark Side of Globalization”, Borderbuster Monthly E-Newsletter (No. 23): October 6, 2003, Globetrade.com (www.globetrade.com)
“What Business Expects from Higher Education”, The College Board Review, The College Entrance Examination Board, Forum Issue, 1992.
“Discussion on Life-Cycle Considerations in Urban Infrastructure Engineering”, by David A. Novick, Journal of Management Engineering, Vol. L, No. 2, April, 1990.
“What Dan Quayle Missed”, Crain’s Chicago Business, September 12, 1988.
“Venture Capital and State Economic Development”, (with Thomas E. Galuhn), State Government News, Council of State Governments, October 1984.
“Pal-Waukee Airport: Success Story with an Uncertain Ending”, Commerce Magazine, Chicago, December 1980.
A Public Heliport for Downtown Chicago? Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, December 1979.
Numerous articles on transportation/land use subjects in Young People’s Science Encyclopedia and the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aviation and Space.
Testified before the U.S. Congress and the Illinois General Assembly on transportation policy and economic impact issues, and before the City Council of Chicago on housing, employment, and tax issues.